New Desktop

June 19, 2024

I finally built my first ever desktop computer! For a CS/EE graduate and a nerd, it's pretty embarrassing that it's taken me this long to build my own computer, but better late than never. I'm running an i7-12700K with an RTX 4060 graphics card. For the full parts list, check this out: parts list.. But anyways, this is the first time I've had a decently powerful pc. The only non-Apple devices I've used were really old or underpowered laptop. I got my current laptop (M1 Pro 10/16, 32G RAM, 1TB SSD) around 2 years ago when I first started college, and that laptop blew my mind. Honestly, it still surprises me with how reliable and powerful it is. Still, a desktop is a whole different story. This desktop scores miles better than that laptop in benchmarks (which it should), all the while being compatible with programs that I haven't been able to run natively in years.

I'm dual booting Ubuntu and Windows like an absolute beginner (I've been a Mac user for too long. Cut me some slack), and I'm slowly re-learning how to use both these OS's. Anyways, love the build so far and am excited to see what I can do with this.