Colemak After 3 Months

May 26, 2022

I've been sticking with Colemak for about 3 months now and after turning to this layout cold turkey, it's definitely more comfortable than qwerty now. I have to admit it is pretty difficult increasing typing speed, as most characters in common words alternate hands in Colemak, meaning that my hands don't have to stretch in difficult positions, but its also more difficult to time fast keystrokes.

I also purchased keycaps for my mechanical keyboard for Colemak, which was super helpful for the steep learning curve.

Switching to a new layout also means I can relearn which fingers correspond to which keys. Being so accustomed to QWERTY before, I typed smoothly, even though finger placement wasn't necessarily ergonomic. Switching to Colemak, though, allows for a retraining of finger to character correspondence.

As for whether or not I'd recommend this switch, I probably wouldn't unless you really have nothing do do in your free time and/or enjoy making people tear their hair out when they try to use your computer.